The 2018-2022 CEUS data collection was completed in June 2022. Survey project participants included California’s investor and publicly owned utilities: Southern California Edison, Pacific Gas and Electric Company, Southern California Gas, and San Diego Gas & Electric, Los Angeles Department of Water and Power and the Sacramento Municipal Utility District. ADM Associates Inc. was hired by the Energy Commission to conduct the data collection. The project was severely impacted by the pandemic causing delays in all aspects of the project including the release of the final report and posting of the survey data.
The 2022 CEUS final report and its appendices include all the high-level survey results. The rest of the data will be released gradually as the CEUS team removes all personally identifiable information by aggregating the data, and the internal approval processes are completed. please check this website for updates on when the data will be available.
The project was completed in June 2022, however project sampling and most of the data collection occurred prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. Consequently, the CEUS team felt that survey results would have greater utility if they reflected the post-COVID California economy rather than conditions that prevailed during the study design and sampling phase. To better reflect the post-COVID economy, the team developed a strategy and identified data sources to scale the survey results from the base year of 2018 to the most recent year with sufficient post-COVID data, 2022. The CEC’s Quarterly Fuel and Energy Report (QFER) served as the primary auxiliary data set for the adjustment (the QFER data includes annual electric sales by Forecast Zone, electric service provider, and NAICS code; and annual self-generation by Forecast Zone and Building-type). Unscaled survey results are presented in Appendix N.
- Accurately characterize building economic activity and assess North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code misclassification in utility billing system data.
- Calculate end-use fuel saturations at the forecasting zone level by building type.
- Calculate robust commercial floor space estimates at the forecasting zone level by building type.
- Calculate annual whole-building energy use estimates at the forecasting zone level by building type.
- Calculate annual whole-building hourly load profiles at the forecasting zone level by building type.
- Incorporate advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) electricity consumption data into forecasting model input development.
- Evaluate the potential for oversampling new construction to allow calculation of statistically significant population estimates of the most recent building stock vintage.
- Examine the potential for purchasing commercial real estate data for use in forecasting and demand analysis.
The focus is to collect limited information on a few key variables from as many sites as possible to provide better statistical precision of population estimates. The Energy Commission has hired ADM Associates, Inc. to conduct the data collection. ADM Associates, Inc. will be collecting on-site data for a sample of 27,000 commercial buildings.
The information is gathered from on-site visits of selected commercial businesses. Project participants are randomly selected by utility service area, climate region, building type, and energy consumption level.