Event Date
Wednesday, July 15, 2020
01:00 PM
- 04:00 PM
Location Name
Remote Access Only
Add to CalendarThe California Energy Commission (CEC) will conduct a workshop to discuss energy resilience inrelation to zero emission vehicles (ZEV) and the “three revolutions” of transportation electrification,automation, and mobility as a service. The workshop is part of the CEC’s 2020 Integrated EnergyPolicy Report Update (2020 IEPR Update ) proceeding.
A quorum of Commissioners may participate, but no votes will be taken at the workshop.
The workshop will be held remotely, consistent with Executive Orders N-25-20 and N-29-20 andthe recommendations from the California Department of Public Health to encourage physicaldistancing to slow the spread of COVID-19. The public is able to participate and observe theworkshop consistent with the direction in these Executive Orders. Instructions for remoteparticipation are provided below.
The three-part workshop will be held over two days
Notice and Schedule
- Notice of Workshop on Zero Emission Vehicle Resilience and Three Revolutions in Transportation
- Workshop Schedule
- Transcript
- Value of EVs as Bidirectional Energy Storage S1 1B. Ryan Harty, Honda
- Zero Emission Bus Program S1 2A. Joe Callaway, AC Transit
- Energy Resilience and ZEV S1 2B. Jana Ganion, Blue Lake Rancheria
- Resiliency Benefits of Battery S1 2D. Susie Monson, FreeWire
- Planning for Resiliency in Zero-Emission Bus Deployments S1 2E. Michael Pimentel, CA Transit Association
- California –World leader in E-Mobility Enhance energy resilience through use of ZEVs S1 1A. Bjoern Christensen, Next-Dimension
- Presentation - Images of Toyota Products S1 1C. Jackie Birdsall, Toyota
- EV Charging when it really matters RAPIDLY DEPLOYED, IMMUNE TO GRID FAILURES, LOWEST TCO S1 2C. Desmond Wheatley, Envision Solar