Notice Regarding Document Registration Requirements
Projects in low-rise multifamily buildings that require field verification and diagnostic testing (FV&DT) must demonstrate compliance to enforcement agencies using compliance documents registered with an approved residential data registry.

Details are given for each certificate type:

  • The certificates of compliance (LMCC) linked on this page may be used only when the project's scope does not include any measures that require FV&DT. Otherwise, all required LMCCs must be registered.
  • The certificates of installation (LMCI) that do not include numerals in the form number cannot be registered. For example, LMCI-ENV-E or LMCI-MCH-E.
  • The certificates of installation (LMCI) that include numerals in the form number must be registered. For example, LMCI-MCH-01a-E or LMCI-PLB-01-E. Additionally, any form that ends with "-H" are associated with a measure that requires FV&DT and must be registered. For example, LMCI-MCH-23a-H.
  • The certificates of verification (LMCV) must be registered.

LMCC (Certificates of Compliance)

LMCI – Non-HERS (Certificates of Installation)

LMCC (Certificates of Compliance)

LMCI (Certificates of Installation)

LMCI – Non-HERS (Certificates of Installation)

LMCC (Certificates of Compliance)

LMCI (Certificates of Installation)

LMCV (Certificates of Verification)

LMCI – Non-HERS (Certificates of Installation)

LMCC (Certificates of Compliance)

LMCI – Non-HERS (Certificates of Installation)