California has a diversity of climates not seen in other states, and the statewide provisions adopted into the California Energy Code accounts for these variations using a set of sixteen climate zones. Several efficiency standards, such as those for envelope and fenestration (window and door) materials, depend on the specific climate zone that the building is located in. Thus, it is important for builders and building officials to know which climate zones apply to their projects.

The Energy Commission has developed an app to quickly and accurately show addresses and locations in relation to the geographic metes and bounds that determine California’s climate regions.

We invite builders and building officials to use this app to determine the climate zones applicable to building projects:

Where a ZIP code contains more than one climate region, local jurisdictions may, at their discretion, designate a single climate zone within the ZIP code as applying to the entire ZIP code. The following list of Climate Zone assignments by ZIP code is provided for the convenience of local jurisdictions electing to take this approach.