CalSHAPE Updates:
The Funding Round Five application deadline for Assessment and Maintenance (A&M) and Upgrade and Repair (U&R) grants has been moved up to 5:00 PM on July 1, 2024.
Notices of Funding Availability are posted under the expandable menus for each program. The notices provide the relevant funding round information, including eligibility, the application process, and available funding amounts. The CalSHAPE Ventilation Program will now be accepting applications for both the Assessment and Maintenance and Upgrade and Repair (U&R) Grants.
Applications for all programs are submitted electronically using the CalSHAPE Online System. An access link, instructions, and a video training can be found under the “Online System” expandable menu.
The California Energy Commission was authorized by Assembly Bill (AB) 841 (Chapter 372, Statutes of 2020) to design, administer, and implement the California Schools Healthy Air, Plumbing, and Efficiency Program (CalSHAPE). CalSHAPE includes two grant programs, CalSHAPE Plumbing and CalSHAPE Ventilation, for eligible parties within the service territories of the large electric and natural gas utilities in California.
Assembly Bill 841
(Ting, Chapter 372, Statutes 2020) authorizes the CalSHAPE Ventilation and CalSHAPE Plumbing programs
The CalSHAPE Plumbing Program provides grants to local educational agencies and state agencies to replace noncompliant plumbing fixtures and appliances that fail to meet water efficiency standards. CalSHAPE Plumbing Program prioritizes investments in schools in underserved communities.
Guidelines and Notices
- CalSHAPE Plumbing Program Commission Guidelines, Third Edition. Adopted December 14, 2022.
- Notice of Funding Availability Round 5 Plumbing Program
Application Materials
- Now that you have your NOPA - Next Step
- Plumbing Applicant Application Checklist
- Plumbing Application Tutorial Slides
- Plumbing Application Video Tutorial - Zoom
- Plumbing Program Application Instructions Companion Document
Incurred Costs Materials
- Plumbing Reconciliation Companion Document
- CalSHAPE Plumbing Reconciliation Process Walkthrough - Zoom
- Certificate of Good Standing for Charter Schools Template
- Governing Body Resolution Template
- Payee Data Record - STD 204
The CalSHAPE Ventilation Program provides funding to local educational agencies for the reasonable costs of HVAC assessment, general maintenance and adjustment, filter replacement, and carbon dioxide monitor installation including certain repairs, replacements and other improvements to HVAC systems. CalSHAPE Ventilation prioritizes investments in facilities in underserved communities and those located near freeways or industrial facilities.
Guidelines and Notices
- CalSHAPE Ventilation Program Draft Guidelines, Fifth Edition. Adopted May 8, 2024.
- Notice of Updated Deadline for the CalSHAPE Ventilation Program
- Notice of Deadline Extension for the CalSHAPE Ventilation Program
- Notice of Expanded Eligibility Round 5 Ventilation Program U&R Grants
- Notice of Funding Availability Round 5 Ventilation Program A&M Grants
- Notice of Funding Availability Round 5 Ventilation Program U&R Grants
Frequently Asked Questions
A&M Application Materials
- Now that you have your NOPA - Next Step
- Ventilation Applicant Application Checklist
- Ventilation Application Tutorial Slides
- Ventilation Application Video Tutorial - Zoom
- Ventilation Program Application Instructions Companion Document
HVAC Assessment Materials
- HVAC Assessment and Maintenance Pathway - HVAC Assessment Report Guide
- Final HVAC Assessment Worksheets In Excel
- HVAC Assessment and Maintenance Pathway - HVAC Assessment Report Worksheets
- HVAC Assessment Report Companion Document
- HVAC Assessment Report Spreadsheets
- Limited or No Mechanical Ventilation Pathway
- Scheduled for Replacement Pathway
- CalSHAPE Ventilation Reconciliation Process Walkthrough - Zoom
- Ventilation Reconciliation Companion Document
U&R Application Materials
The CEC issues a notice of proposed award (NOPA) to an LEA following approval of a grant application. The NOPA Grant List provides a list of LEAs that have received a NOPA for a CalSHAPE Ventilation Program and/or CalSHAPE Plumbing Program grant and the award amounts. The list will be updated monthly.
- CalSHAPE Program NOPA Grant List (Updated 08/2024)