CalSHAPE Updates:

We are no longer accepting applications and executing grants for the Plumbing and Ventilation program.  The final reporting instructions are posted under the expandable menus.

The California Energy Commission was authorized by Assembly Bill (AB) 841 (Chapter 372, Statutes of 2020) to design, administer, and implement the California Schools Healthy Air, Plumbing, and Efficiency Program (CalSHAPE). CalSHAPE includes two grant programs, CalSHAPE Plumbing and CalSHAPE Ventilation, for eligible parties within the service territories of the large electric and natural gas utilities in California.

Assembly Bill 841
(Ting, Chapter 372, Statutes 2020) authorizes the CalSHAPE Ventilation and CalSHAPE Plumbing programs

The CalSHAPE Ventilation Program provides funding to local educational agencies for the reasonable costs of HVAC assessment, general maintenance and adjustment, filter replacement, and carbon dioxide monitor installation including certain repairs, replacements and other improvements to HVAC systems. CalSHAPE Ventilation prioritizes investments in facilities in underserved communities and those located near freeways or industrial facilities.

Guidelines and Notices

Frequently Asked Questions

A&M Application Materials

HVAC Assessment Materials


U&R Application Materials


The CEC issues a notice of proposed award (NOPA) to an LEA following approval of a grant application. The NOPA Grant List provides a list of LEAs that have received a NOPA for a CalSHAPE Ventilation Program and/or CalSHAPE Plumbing Program grant and the award amounts. The list will be updated monthly.

Upcoming Events

No events are available at this time.


California Schools Healthy Air, Plumbing, and Efficiency Program (CalSHAPE)


California Schools Healthy Air, Plumbing, and Efficiency Program (CalSHAPE)