
As the California Energy Commission (CEC) resumes the July 1 RPS reporting.  As specified in Chapter 7 of the Renewables Portfolio Standard Eligibility Guidebook, Ninth Edition, (Revised) - (RPS Guidebook), all load-serving entities (LSEs), including retail sellers and publicly owned electric utilities (POUs), are required to report retirement of renewable energy credits for California’s Renewables Portfolio Standard (RPS) program to the California Energy Commission (CEC) by July 1st of each year.

The 2022 and 2023 annual reporting deadline for LSEs not impacted by WREGIS system issues is July 1, 2024.

On September 20, 2023, due to continued technical challenges affecting e-Tags matching in the Western Renewable Energy Generation Information System (WREGIS), the CEC's Executive Director found good cause to extend the 2022 RPS annual reporting deadline for all LSEs to “30 calendar days after WREGIS has fully resolved the system issue and notified the CEC,” pursuant to Chapter 8.D.4 of the RPS Guidebook.

At a CEC Business Meeting on May 8, 2024, WREGIS staff provided an update on the ongoing WREGIS functionality issues and continues to update the CEC on its progress. CEC staff now better understands the scope of the WREGIS technical challenges, and that the issues affect a subset of all RPS generators and LSE off takers. As such, the CEC is ending the extension for reporting year 2022 for any LSE not impacted by WREGIS functionality issues.

The 2022 and 2023 RPS annual reporting deadline for LSEs is July 1, 2024. LSEs that have already filed their completed 2022 RPS annual report do not need to take further action.

If you are one of the LSEs still affected by the WREGIS functionality issues for your 2022 and/or 2023 renewable energy credits, the Executive Director finds good cause to extend the reporting deadline to 30 days after the LSE is no longer impacted by WREGIS’s functionality issues affecting reporting. Impacted LSE filing after July 1, 2024, must provide written documentation from WREGIS when filing the annual RPS report, confirming that the LSE was unable to file timely due to the WREGIS functionality issues.

For information on the 2023 RPS annual filing requirements, please refer to the 2023 WREGIS Reporting Guidance document (available at and the additional annual reporting requirements for POUs described in the 2023 Annual Reporting Instructions for POUs  (available at

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Renewables Portfolio Standard - Certification

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Renewables Portfolio Standard – Verification and Compliance

View RPS verification results for California’s load-serving entities as well as the verification methodology used to make the determinations.

The RPS eligibility guidebook is the authority for facility certification requirements and generation reporting requirements. The guidebook is the primary resource to learn about RPS participation and overall program guidance. Please also refer to its corresponding RPS Resolution No. 17-0712-04Previous guidebook editions are also available.

The RPS program uses an online portal to interact with stakeholders. The portal is used for program involvement activities, including:

  • Viewing a public list of RPS facilities.
  • Applying for RPS certification of a facility.
  • Reporting generation claims to Energy Commission staff.

The processes and formulas that the Energy Commission staff uses to determine the eligibility and quality of renewable generation are in the Verification Methodology Report

The Energy Commission is responsible for verification and compliance of local publicly owned electric utilities (POU). Specific requirements are in the enforcement regulations.

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