For each compliance period, verification results for each POU will be issued independently. The verification results are not a compliance determination. After the CEC adopts a POU’s verification results, it will determine if the POU complies with the RPS requirements for the compliance period, in accordance with the enforcement procedures for the RPS for POUs.

Prior to consideration at a business meeting, CEC staff will prepare a draft verification results report for review and comment. If adopted, a final verification results report will be prepared. All reports will be made available on this webpage. Once CEC staff has finalized a POU’s verification results report, the report will be made available on this webpage.

Compliance Period 2 covers the reporting years 2014-2016. Draft results, final results, and accompanying documentation for POU compliance period 2 are below. This page will be updated since results are continuously evaluated.

Commission Final Reports:

Staff Draft Report:

Verification Methodology 
The methods used by the Energy Commission to verify load-serving entity procurement claims.

POU Enforcement Regulations
Procedures on the enforcement of the RPS for POUs.


RPS Guidebook
The guidebook describes the eligibility requirements and processes for certifying renewable resources as eligible for California's RPS as well as how the Energy Commission tracks and verifies compliance with the RPS.

RPS Online System
A web-based online system used to streamline the RPS certification application and reporting processes.


RPS Track

California Energy Commission
1516 Ninth Street, MS-45
Sacramento, CA 95814


General Renewable Energy Info and CEC Renewable Energy Programs