The CEC manages data known as Energy Equity Indicators to help identify opportunities to improve access to clean energy technologies for low-income customers and disadvantaged communities, increase clean energy investment in those communities, and improve community resilience to grid outages and extreme events.
The Energy Equity Indicators Tracking Progress Report provides a summary report of these indicators. It is updated periodically to track how recommendations from the Energy Commission’s Low-Income Barriers Study are being implemented, and to monitor the performance of state-administered clean energy programs in low-income and disadvantaged communities across the state.
The CEC also maintains maps and geospatial information on selected energy equity indicators. The base map highlights areas with median household income of $37,000 or less (60 percent of statewide median income for 2011-2015) and disadvantaged communities eligible for greenhouse gas reduction fund programs.
The map also identifies tribal areas and provides data on low-income areas with low energy efficiency investments, low solar capacity per capita, or low clean vehicle rebate incentive investments.
Additional data layers highlight high-density low-income areas, low-income areas that have numerous older buildings, and counties with high levels of asthma-related emergency room visits.
Additional indicators are available by clicking on the Energy Equity Indicators Story Map or the Energy Equity Indicators Tracking Progress Report