What Does SB 350 Do?
SB 350 increases California's renewable electricity procurement goal from 33 percent by 2020 to 50 percent by 2030. This objective will increase the use of Renewables Portfolio Standard (RPS) eligible resources, including solar, wind, biomass, geothermal and others.
SB 350 also requires the state to double statewide energy efficiency savings in electricity and natural gas end uses by 2030. To help meet these goals and reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, large utilities will be required to develop and submit integrated resource plans (IRPs). These plans detail how utilities will meet their customers’ resource needs, reduce GHG emissions, and ramp up the use of clean energy resources.
SB 350 also transforms the California Independent System Operator (ISO), a nonprofit public corporation, into a regional organization, contingent upon approval from the Legislature. The bill also authorizes utilities to undertake transportation electrification.
SB 350 also directs state agencies to undertake various studies to identify and assess:
- Barriers to, and opportunities for, solar photovoltaic energy generation.
- Barriers to, and opportunities for, access to other renewable energy by low-income customers.
- Barriers to contracting opportunities for local small businesses in disadvantaged communities.
- Barriers for low-income customers to energy efficiency and weatherization investments, including those in disadvantaged communities.
- Recommendations on how to increase access to energy efficiency and weatherization investments to low-income customers. The Energy Commission conducted the Low-Income Barriers Study, Part A - Adopted, which was adopted in 2016.
- Barriers for low-income customers to zero-emission and near-zero-emission transportation options, including those in disadvantaged communities.
- Recommendations on how to increase access to zero-emission and near-zero-emission transportation options to low-income customers, including those in disadvantaged communities. The California Air Resources Board (CARB) conducted the study in consultation with the Energy Commission. The Low-Income Barriers Study, Part B: Overcoming Barriers to Clean Transportation Access for Low-Income Residents - Final Guidance Document was released in February 2018.
How Is SB350 Implemented?
The Energy Commission is working with state agencies, including the California Public Utilities Commission, and CARB, and the California ISO. The Energy Commission is also coordinating with affected utilities and electrical corporations subject to SB 350.
Moving forward, this coordination will include reviewing IRPs of the 16 largest publicly owned utilities starting in 2019. This review will help ensure the utilities reach the 50 percent RPS target by 2030 and meet their greenhouse gas emission reduction target while maintaining reasonable customer rates and reliable electric service.
The CPUC, along with the CARB and Energy Commission, will support transportation electrification by directing electrical corporations to file applications for programs and investments to accelerate widespread transportation electrification. The agencies will also review data regarding the current and future use of charging infrastructure before authorizing the collection of new program costs related to transportation electrification in customer rates.
- Building Energy Use Benchmarking and Public Disclosure Program
- Electric Transportation in Integrated Resource Plans of Publicly Owned Electric Utilities
- Energy Data Collection Rulemaking
- Integrated Energy Policy Report
- Integrated Resource Plans
- Regional Grid Operator and Governance
- Renewables Portfolio Standard Guideline Revisions
- Renewables Portfolio Standard POU Enforcement Procedures
- SB 350 Disadvantaged Communities Advisory Group
- SB 350 Barriers Study
Assembly Bill 802 (Williams, Chapter 590, Statutes of 2015) bolsters California's support for enhancing energy efficiency statewide by authorizing the Energy Commission to create a building energy-use benchmarking and disclosure program. In addition, AB 802 expands the Energy Commission's energy data collection authority to improve the development and evaluation of policy and programs and the state's energy infrastructure planning efforts.
AB 802 also requires the CPUC to authorize electrical and gas corporations to provide financial incentives to their customers that increases the energy efficiency of existing buildings based on all estimated energy savings and energy usage reductions. The full text of AB 802, which was signed into law on October 2015, is on the California Legislature Website
16-OIR-01– General Rulemaking Proceeding for Developing Regulations, Guidelines and Policies for Implementing SB 350 and AB 802
16-OIR-03– Data Collection Rulemaking
Parts of SB 350 and AB 802 are also being implemented in other proceedings. The other dockets related to SB 350 or AB 802:
15-OIR-05– Building Energy Use Disclosure and Public Benchmarking Program Mandated under Assembly Bill 802
16-RPS-01– Renewables Portfolio Standard Guidelines
16-RPS-03– Renewables Portfolio Standard POU Enforcement Procedures
17-IEPR-06– Doubling Energy Efficiency Savings
17-IEPR-07– Integrated Resource Planning
- Former Proceedings:
- 16-RGO-01– Regional Grid Operator and Governance
- 16-OIR-01– General Proceeding for SB 350
- 16-OIR-04– Integrated Resource Plans (Publicly Owned Utilities) (Closed)
- 16-TRAN-01– Transportation Electrification (Publicly Owned Utilities) (Closed)
16-OIR-06– SB 350 Disadvantaged Communities Advisory Group
17-IEPR-08– Barriers Study Implementation
- Former Proceedings:
- 16-OIR-02– SB 350 Barriers Report (Closed)