- Solicitation Status
- Awarded
- Last Awarded Date
- Division
Fuels and Transportation
- Release Date
- Submission Deadline
On July 14, 2023, the California Air Resources Board (CARB) released the competitive grant solicitation and application package entitled “Advanced Technology Demonstration and Pilot Projects” (ATDPP). The purpose of this grant solicitation was an offer to fund the purchase and demonstration of emerging opportunities that include zero-emission aviation, locomotive, and marine vehicles, as well as off-road and green zone vehicles.
The grant solicitation announced the availability of up to $225 million to fund agreements resulting from this solicitation. CARB may fund up to $175 million for the purchase and demonstration of zero-emission off-road, marine vessel, and green zone vehicles, with a $60 million carve out for Commercial Harbor Craft (CHC) Regulatory Compliance vessels. In partnership with CARB, the California Energy Commission (CEC) may fund up to $50 million for the purchase and installation of infrastructure in support of the resulting CARB projects.
The solicitation is available to view on the CARB's website: Advanced Technology Demonstration and Pilot Projects - PDF
Questions and debriefing requests should be directed to:
Desirey Wilson, Air Pollution Specialist
California Air Resources Board
1001 I Street, MS-5B
Email: desirey.wilson@arb.ca.gov