Demand-side modeling revolves around development of the CEC's end user electricity and gas demand forecasts. As part of each annual Integrated Energy Policy Report proceeding, the CEC develops 10-15 year forecasts of annual consumption and sales for a variety of customer sectors and utility planning areas, as well as forecasts of hourly and peak electric system load for select balancing areas. These forecasts include the projected impact of rates, self-generation, electric vehicle charging, and climate change. Scenarios are developed around "additional achievable" energy efficiency, fuel substitution, and transportation electrification impacts which may result from the State's emission-reduction strategies. These products directly inform a variety of state-sponsored system and reliability planning efforts, including Resource Adequacy, the California Public Utility Commission's Integrated Resource Plan, the California Independent System Operator's Transmission Planning Process.
Forecast Products
Long-Term Demand Scenarios
The Demand Scenario Development and Assessment project identifies energy demand out to 2050 for all fuel types, as well as GHG emissions, for alternative scenarios based on existing and near-term policies.