For each compliance period, results from the application of the verification analyses will be issued separately for retail sellers and publicly owned utilities. Each compliance period, a final verification report for retail sellers will be transmitted to the CPUC to be used for its compliance and enforcement. 

The Renewables Portfolio Standard 2017-2020 Retail Sellers Procurement Verification Report presents the verification findings for 44 retail sellers, including investor-owned utilities (small, large, and multijurisdictional utilities), electric service providers, and community choice aggregators, for Compliance Period 3.
After the Energy Commission adopts the report, the retail sellers’ report is submitted to the CPUC that uses it to determine the retail sellers' compliance with the RPS. The Energy Commission does not evaluate retail sellers' progress in meeting RPS procurement obligations.

Commission Final Report:

Staff Draft Report:

The Renewables Portfolio Standard 2014-2016 Retail Sellers Procurement Verification Report presents the verification findings for 26 retail sellers, including investor-owned utilities (small, large, and multijurisdictional utilities), electric service providers, and community choice aggregators, for Compliance Period 2.

After the Energy Commission adopts the report, the retail sellers’ report is submitted to the CPUC that uses it to determine the retail sellers' compliance with the RPS. The Energy Commission does not evaluate retail sellers' progress in meeting RPS procurement obligations.

Commission Final Report:

Lead Commissioner Draft Report:

Staff Draft Report:

The Renewables Portfolio Standard 2011-2013 Retail Sellers Procurement Verification Report presents the verification findings for 21 retail sellers, including investor-owned utilities (small, large, and multijurisdictional utilities), electric service providers, and community choice aggregators, for Compliance Period 1.

The report was transmitted to the CPUC on August 1, 2016, to determine retail sellers' compliance with the RPS. The Energy Commission does not evaluate retail sellers' progress in meeting RPS procurement obligations.

Commission Final Report:

RPS 2011-2013 Retail Sellers Procurement Verification

Notice of Availability of the Renewables Portfolio Standard 2011-2013 Retail Sellers Procurement Verification Commission Final Report - PDF

Leader Commissioner Draft Report:

RPS 2011-2013 Retail Sellers Procurement Verification

Staff Draft Report:

RPS 2011-2013 Retail Sellers Procurement Verification - PDF

Notice of Availability and Request for Comments - PDF

Comments on the Staff Draft Report

Retail Seller Draft Eligibility Verification Results

Comments on the Draft Preliminary Verification Results

Verification Methodology
The methods used by the Energy Commission to verify load-serving entity procurement claims.

California Public Utilities Commission
The CPUC verifies the compliance to RPS for California’s retail sellers.


RPS Guidebook
The guidebook describes the eligibility requirements and processes for certifying renewable resources as eligible for California's RPS as well as how the Energy Commission tracks and verifies compliance with the RPS.

RPS Online System
A web-based online system used to streamline the RPS certification application and reporting processes.

Renewables Portfolio Standard – Verification and Compliance


RPS Track

California Energy Commission
1516 Ninth Street, MS-45
Sacramento, CA 95814


General Renewable Energy Info and CEC Renewable Energy Programs