Program Information

Carbon Removal Innovation Support Program - CRISP
CRISP will provide financial incentives with the goal of advance technologies for direct air capture of atmospheric carbon in California.

Clean Hydrogen Program
Clean Hydrogen Program provides financial incentives to demonstrate or scale-up clean hydrogen production, processing, delivery, storage, or end use.

Climate Innovation Program
Supporting early development and scale-up of breakthrough clean energy and climate change tech by providing $500 million for eligible projects.

Community Energy Reliability and Resilience Investment (CERRI) Program
The CERRI program will fund projects across California that increase community energy resilience and reliability.

Electric Program Investment Charge Program - EPIC
EPIC investments support clean energy research and development projects.

Energy Innovation Ecosystem
The Energy Innovation Ecosystem provides networking, funding, and other support to help advance clean energy in innovation.

Food Production Investment Program
The Food Production Investment Program supports research to help food producers save energy, save money, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Gas Research and Development Program
Funds gas research, development, and demonstrations to support entrepreneurs; foster resiliency, health, and safety; and decarbonize gas end uses.

Industrial Decarbonization and Improvement of Grid Operations - INDIGO
INDIGO program will provide incentives for industrial projects that provide benefits to the electric grid, reduce emissions and local air pollution.

Long Duration Energy Storage Program
The LDES program funds projects that support the deployment of long duration energy storage solutions to support our clean energy goals.

Vehicle-Grid Integration Program
Information on the efforts of the California Energy Commission and partners to advance and prepare for widespread vehicle-grid integration.
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