Chief Counsel’s Office
The Chief Counsel's Office is a full-service legal office advising the California Energy Commission on a range of issues that affect the organization.

Efficiency Division
The Efficiency Division develops regulations, policies, and programs to help the state meet its clean energy goals.

Energy Assessments Division
The Energy Assessments Division collects energy data to forecast and assess energy demands and supplies.

Energy Research and Development Division
California Energy Commission has managed public-interest research programs that make energy choices safer, cleaner, more reliable, and less costly.

Fuels and Transportation Division
The Fuels and Transportation Division administers the Clean Transportation Program.

Office of Compliance Assistance and Enforcement
The Office of Compliance Assistance and Enforcement leads the California Energy Commission’s efforts to ensure conservation requirements are met.

Office of Governmental and International Affairs
The Office of Governmental and International Affairs maintains a cooperative relationship with the administration and the State Legislature.

Office of the Public Advisor, Energy Equity, and Tribal Affairs
The Public Advisor’s Office provides information on how to participate in business meetings, workshops, and formal proceedings.

Reliability, Renewable Energy & Decarbonization Incentives Division
The California Energy Commission’s RREDI develops and administers the state’s renewable energy programs.

Siting, Transmission, and Environmental Protection Division
The STEP Division licenses power plants and enforces their compliance, and conducts land use, offshore wind, and transmission infrastructure planning.