The CEC is actively developing new tools across many subject areas, including Natural Gas, Infrastructure and Planning, and Renewables, and will publish them on this page as they become available.

Clean Energy

Estimated Annual Clean Energy

Most of California’s electricity comes from eligible and zero carbon resources.

Historical Large Hydroelectric Generation

Large hydroelectric generation is an important zero carbon resource.

Historical Nuclear Generation

Since 2014 nuclear generation has been consistently about 10 percent of retail sales.


California Energy Storage System Survey

A summary of all residential, commercial, and utility-scale battery energy storage systems in California.

Electricity Consumption

The Electricity Consumption Dashboard allows users to explore California’s electricity consumption patterns by agency, sector, and county.

QFER Power Plant Annual Generation

Annual generation for power plants operating in California.

QFER Power Plant Unit-Level Annual Generation

Detailed annual generation by unit for power plants operating in California.

QFER Power Plant Heat Rates

Heat rates for natural gas power plants operating power plants operating in California.


Estimated Gasoline Price Breakdown and Margins

Detailed gasoline price breakdown of costs, taxes, and fees. Includes estimated gross margins for refiners and distributors.

Hydrogen Refueling Stations in California

Explore how many hydrogen refueling stations are available in California.

Refinery Inputs and Production

The Weekly Fuels Watch Inputs and Production dashboard summarizes the crude oil inputs and refined petroleum products production by week

Refinery Stocks

The Weekly Fuels Watch Stocks dashboard summarizes refined petroleum products stocks by week.

Natural Gas

Natural Gas Consumption

Natural Gas Consumption Dashboard allows users to explore California’s natural gas consumption patterns by the agency, sector, and county.

Renewable Energy

2020 RPS-Certified Renewables

Renewable electricity generation resources are located all across the state

3-D Interactive Visualization of California Wind Generators

This interactive three-dimensional visualization displays wind generating projects in California in perspective.

Building Initiative for Low-Emissions Development (BUILD) Geographic Information System (GIS) Tool

Visualization map for submitted project data to the Building Initiative for Low-Emissions Development Program (BUILD)

CEC 2023 Land-Use Screens for Electric System Planning

Webmapping application for reviewing SB100 Land-Use Screen component datasets.

Estimated Annual RPS-Certified Renewable Energy

Renewable generation continue to increase with new solar and wind resources leading the growth.

Residential Solar Permit Program Status

A map of California counties and cities, and their status regarding meeting Senate Bill 379 and their participation in CalAPP program.

Visualization of Seasonal Variation in California Hydropower

Explore an interactive, three-dimensional visualization showing seasonal variation in hydropower generation.

Visualization of Seasonal Variation in California Wind Generation

This interactive three-dimensional visualization displays the seasonal variation of wind generation in California.

Wind Generation Areas Time Interval Exploration Tool

This tool displays wind generation over user-selected intervals and allows the viewer to understand generation variations across the state.


California’s National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Formula Program Map

This map was developed to help prospective applicants and interested parties identify eligible areas for infrastructure deployment.

CEC Funded School Buses

Explore how many electric school buses were delivered and projected in California.

CEC Funded School Bus Chargers

Explore how many school bus chargers were completed and projected in California.

Clean Transportation Program Investment Map

The program’s projects can be filtered by project type, low-income or disadvantaged community status, legislative districts, and more.

Electric Vehicle Chargers in California

Explore how many electric vehicle chargers are available in California.

EVSE Deployment and Grid Evaluation (EDGE) Tool

The EDGE Tool gives users access to data and helps inform EV charging deployment efforts and associated grid planning.

Importance of Incentives in Decision to Acquire a ZEV

This visualization shows how important different incentives were in respondents’ decisions to buy or lease an electric vehicle.

Housing Type by PEV Ownership

This visualization compares housing of electric vehicle owners and non-electric vehicle owners.

Light-Duty Vehicle Population in California

Explore California’s light-duty vehicle population. Light-duty vehicle population reflects the number of vehicles “on the road.”

MDHD ZEV Station Development in California - Beta Version

The CEC is seeking public input on this beta version of a dashboard that tracks the development of MDHD ZEV infrastructure statewide.

Medium- and Heavy-Duty Zero-Emission Vehicles in California

Learn about zero-emission medium- and heavy-duty vehicle deployment in California.

New ZEV Sales in California

Explore how many new zero emission vehicle are registered.