Solicitation Type
Grant Funding Opportunity
Solicitation Number
Solicitation Status
Release Date
Submission Deadline
Questions Deadline
IMPORTANT: For this solicitation, use the new Energy Commission Agreement Management System (ECAMS) portal to submit an application. Applicants must have or create a user account in order to apply for this solicitation. For assistance, view the User Registration Instructions and Applying for a Solicitation


This is a competitive grant solicitation. The California Energy Commission’s (CEC’s) Clean Transportation Program announces the availability of up to $4 million in grant funds for one or more third-party implementers to provide technical assistance (TA) for communities eligible to seek federal and state funding for zero-emission vehicle (ZEV) infrastructure. TA providers will, at minimum, assist in identifying grant opportunities, support successful application development and submittal, and support project implementation that delivers benefits in under-resourced communities.

Additional Information

  • Pre-Application Workshop Presentation (See Solicitation Files)
  • Pre-Application Workshop Event Recording (See Event Page)

Solicitation Events

Solicitation Contact

Please contact the Energy Commission agreement officer within the solicitation manual.