- Solicitation Type
- Grant Funding Opportunity
- Solicitation Number
- GFO-21-304
- Solicitation Status
- Awarded / On-Going
(Cover Letter, Results Table) - Last Awarded Date
- Division
Energy Research and Development
- Release Date
- Submission Deadline
- Questions Deadline
The purpose of this solicitation is to provide financial assistance to help clean energy entrepreneurs successfully advance their emerging best-of-class innovative technology to the Low-Rate Initial Production (LRIP) stage. LRIP is the first step in making the transition from highly customized hand-built prototypes, which are used for performance testing and vetting the production process, to the final mass-produced end product produced in the Full-Rate Production phase.
Submission Deadline and Time
Round 1
- Release Date: April 14, 2022
- Deadline to Submit Applications: August 18, 2022, 11:59 p.m.
- Deadline for Written Questions: April 29, 2022, 5:00 p.m.
Round 2
- Deadline to Submit Applications: August 11, 2023, 11:59 p.m.
Additional Information
- Pre-Application Workshop Presentation (See Solicitation Files)
- Pre-Application Workshop Attendee List (See Solicitation Files)
- Pre-Application Workshop Event Recording (See Event Page)
- Addendum 1 (See Solicitation Files)
- Addendum 2 (See Solicitation Files)
- Addendum 3 (See Solicitation Files)
- Addendum 4 (See Solicitation Files)
- Notice of Proposed Award, Round 1 (See Solicitation Files)
- Revised Notice of Proposed Award, Round 1 (See Solicitation Files)
- Notice of Proposed Award, Round 2 (See Solicitation Files)
Solicitation Files
Solicitation Events
Solicitation Contact
Please contact the Energy Commission agreement officer within the solicitation manual.