- Solicitation Type
- Grant Funding Opportunity
- Solicitation Number
- GFO-23-318
- Solicitation Status
- Active
- Division
Energy Research and Development
- Release Date
- Submission Deadline
- Questions Deadline
IMPORTANT: For this solicitation, use the new Energy Commission Agreement Management System (ECAMS) portal to submit an application. Applicants must have or create a user account in order to apply for this solicitation. For assistance, view the User Registration Instructions and Applying for a Solicitation.
The purpose of this solicitation is to fund “Applied Research and Development” (AR&D) and “Technology Demonstration and Deployment” (TD&D) projects that enable successful clean energy entrepreneurship across California by competitively awarding funding for the most promising energy technologies that have previously received an award from an eligible California Energy Commission (CEC) program or United States federal agency.
Additional Information
- Pre-Application Workshop Presentation (See Solicitation Files)
- Pre-Application Workshop Attendee List (Contact CAO for Workshop Attendees List)
- Pre-Application Workshop Event Recording (See Event Page)
- Questions and Answers (See Solicitation Files)
- Addendum 1 (See Solicitation Files)
- Addendum 2 (See Solicitation Files)
Solicitation Files
Solicitation Events
Solicitation Contact
Please contact the Energy Commission agreement officer within the solicitation manual.