Appointed by Governor Davis
2/2002 to 1/2007
Appointed Vice Chair
Appointed by Governor Schwarzenegger
2/2007 to 1/2012
James D. Boyd was appointed by Governor Schwarzenegger to a second five-year term on the California Energy Commission on February 2, 2007. He was first appointed to the California Energy Commission on February 6, 2002, and he was appointed to the Vice Chair position on June 16, 2006.
Prior to his appointment, Commissioner Boyd was Deputy Secretary and Chief of Staff of the California Resources Agency. He created and chaired the state's first Joint Agency Climate Change Team and the state's Natural Gas Working Group.
Commissioner Boyd served for fifteen years as the Chief Executive Officer of the California Air Resources Board (CARB), directing the nation's largest state air pollution control program. During this period, CARB led the nation in establishing new pollution control programs for motor vehicles and fuels, toxic air contaminants, consumer products, and industrial and area sources.
Commissioner Boyd focused on issues including transportation and served on the Board of Advisors of the University of California Davis' Institute of Transportation Studies. He was the Energy Commission's representative on the Steering Team of the California Fuel Cell Partnership, and served on the Governor's Hydrogen Highway Network Implementation Advisory Panel. He led the Commission's efforts to develop the State Alternative Fuels Plan requested by the Governor and Legislature. He oversaw the implementation of Assembly Bill 118, which established an Alternative and Renewable Fuel and Vehicle Technology Program at the Energy Commission.
Vice Chair Boyd chaired the Bio-energy Interagency Working Group that developed the Governor's Bio-energy Action Plan and also served as the state's liaison to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and as California's representative on the Border Governors' Conference Energy Worktable. He also served on the Governor's Climate Action Team.
A California native, Commissioner Boyd received his Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration from the University of California, Berkeley.