Solicitation Type
Grant Funding Opportunity
Solicitation Status
Anticipated / Upcoming
Release Date
Proposed Timeframe Shown Below


The purposes of this solicitation are to support the adoption of clean, dispatchable generation in California and reduce the reliance on fossil-based technologies while providing reliable power for critical infrastructure. By deploying clean, dispatchable generation technologies and producing hydrogen for electricity generation, this solicitation can benefit California’s communities, workforce, air quality, and natural environments. Expected outcomes include deployment of cost-effective and highly efficient clean, dispatchable generation technologies that will support energy demand of critical facilities and reduce the strain from the state’s electric grid while significantly reducing greenhouse gas emissions and criteria pollutants by curbing fossil-based generation. The projects are intended to be deployed on-site at critical infrastructure facilities, such as those in the industrial and commercial sectors, to provide on-demand load and peak matching.

Additional Information

Anticipated Release Date
March 2024 - June 2024

Estimated Funding Amount

Solicitation Contact

Please contact the Energy Commission agreement officer within the solicitation manual.