Solicitation Type
Grant Funding Opportunity
Solicitation Number
Solicitation Status
Awarded   —   Notice of Proposed Award
(Cover Letter, Results Table)
Release Date
Submission Deadline
Questions Deadline
This solicitation has been awarded. For questions, please contact the Energy Commission agreement officer within the solicitation manual or contact listed under the Purpose.


This research will support a field study to quantify and characterize residents’ exposure to indoor air pollutants generated from kitchen stoves (gas, electric, and induction) in multifamily homes.

Additional Information

  • Pre-Application Workshop Presentation (See Solicitation Files)
  • Pre-Application Workshop Event Recording (See Event Page)
  • Questions and Answers (See Solicitation Files)
  • Addendum 1 (See Solicitation Files)
  • Notice of Proposed Awards Cover Letter (See Solicitation Files)
  • Notice of Proposed Awards Results Table (See Solicitation Files)

Solicitation Contact

Please contact the Energy Commission agreement officer within the solicitation manual.