- Solicitation Type
- Grant Funding Opportunity
- Solicitation Number
- GFO-24-603
- Solicitation Status
- Active
- Division
Fuels and Transportation
- Release Date
- Submission Deadline
- Questions Deadline
This is a competitive grant solicitation. The California Energy Commission (CEC) announces the availability of up to $59,484,345 in grant funds for projects that will improve the reliability of existing non-operational publicly accessible electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure across California. The purpose of this solicitation is to repair, replace, and install at least 1,302 charging ports across the State. Funds available for this solicitation are only for ports listed on the Federal Highway Administration’s (FHWA) Final List and Final List Addendum of Non-Operational Chargers.
Additional Information
- Pre-Application Workshop Presentation (See Solicitation Files)
- Pre-Application Workshop Attendee List (See Solicitation Files)
- Pre-Application Workshop Event Recording (See Event Page)
- Addendum 1 (See Solicitation Files)