Acceptance Test Technician Certification Provider Program - ATTCP
The program ensures that lighting control and mechanical contractors comply with the Energy Standards in nonresidential buildings.

Appliance Efficiency Program: Outreach and Education
Fact sheets, frequently asked questions, and training tools about the appliance efficiency requirements (Title 20).

Bright Schools Program
A wide range of technical assistance for California K-12 public school districts.

Building Energy Benchmarking Program
Reporting building characteristics and energy use data, known as benchmarking, is required for certain types of commercial and multifamily buildings.

Building Energy Efficiency Standards
Transforming California's buildings through standards for newly constructed buildings and alterations and additions to existing buildings.

Building Initiative for Low-Emissions Development Program - BUILD
The BUILD Program provides technical assistance and incentives for new all-electric low-income residential buildings that reduce GHG emissions.

California Automated Permit Processing Program - CalAPP
Funding program to assist local governments with establishing online solar permitting.

California Clean Energy Jobs Act K-12 Program - Prop 39
Providing more than a billion dollars to California's K-12 schools for efficiency and renewable energy projects.

California Electric Homes Program - CalEHP
Incentive program for the construction of new market-rate residential buildings as all-electric buildings or/and with energy storage systems.

California Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Project (CALeVIP) 2.0
One of the CEC’s block grants to provide incentives for the purchase and installation of light-duty electric vehicle (EV) chargers.

California Schools Healthy Air, Plumbing, and Efficiency Program - CalSHAPE
California Schools Healthy Air, Plumbing, and Efficiency Program (CalSHAPE) funds HVAC and plumbing upgrades in California schools.

Carbon Removal Innovation Support Program - CRISP
CRISP will provide financial incentives with the goal of advance technologies for direct air capture of atmospheric carbon in California.

Clean Hydrogen Program
Clean Hydrogen Program provides financial incentives to demonstrate or scale-up clean hydrogen production, processing, delivery, storage, or end use.

Clean Transportation Program
Funds projects that support the adoption of zero-emission clean transportation.

Climate Innovation Program
Supporting early development and scale-up of breakthrough clean energy and climate change tech by providing $500 million for eligible projects.

Community Energy Reliability and Resilience Investment (CERRI) Program
The CERRI program will fund projects across California that increase community energy resilience and reliability.

Demand Side Grid Support Program
The Demand Side Grid Support (DSGS) Program will incentivize customer load reduction to support the state’s electrical grid during extreme events.

Desert Renewable Energy Conservation Plan
At the turn of this century, California received only 11 percent of its energy from renewable sources.

Distributed Electricity Backup Assets Program
Incentive program for cleaner distributed energy assets that serve as emergency electricity supply or load reduction during extreme events

DOE Title 17 Clean Energy Financing Program
Title 17 Clean Energy Financing Program provides federal loan guarantees for clean energy projects that receive support from a SEFI, including the CEC

Electric Program Investment Charge Program - EPIC
EPIC investments support clean energy research and development projects.

Energy Code Compliance Program
The adopted Energy Code Compliance (ECC) Program is expected to go into effect in 2026. Until then, HERS Program regulations apply.

Energy Conservation Assistance Act
Two types of efficiency low-interest loans to cities; counties; special districts; and public schools, colleges, hospitals, and care institutions.

Energy Efficiency in Existing Buildings
Achieving greater efficiency in existing buildings will require an array of creative, systemic solutions. The strategic plan will guide these efforts.

Energy Innovation Ecosystem
The Energy Innovation Ecosystem provides networking, funding, and other support to help advance clean energy in innovation.

Energy Partnership Program
Technical assistance for cities; counties; special districts; and public colleges, universities hospitals, and care facilities.

Energy System Infrastructure Planning
California is moving to a renewable energy future and new tools and solutions are helping guide that transition.

Enforcement Case Settlements
The Office of Compliance Assistance and Enforcement enforces energy and water efficiency standards for appliances and new building construction.

Equitable Building Decarbonization Program
Promotes the decarbonization of existing buildings through a direct install program and an incentive program.

Financing and Investment Solutions for Clean Energy Building Upgrades
SB 1112 requires CEC to develop a report describing statutory changes to improve access to federal funding for inclusive utility investments.

Food Production Investment Program
The Food Production Investment Program supports research to help food producers save energy, save money, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Gas Research and Development Program
Funds gas research, development, and demonstrations to support entrepreneurs; foster resiliency, health, and safety; and decarbonize gas end uses.

Geothermal Grant and Loan Program
Learn about the California Energy Commission’s Geothermal Grant and Loan Program.

Home Energy Rating and Labeling Program
Generating market value for energy efficient and clean energy features in homes through rating and labeling.

Home Energy Rating System Program - HERS
The program addresses construction defects and poor equipment installation, including HVAC systems and insulation, by evaluating homes.

Industrial Decarbonization and Improvement of Grid Operations - INDIGO
INDIGO program will provide incentives for industrial projects that provide benefits to the electric grid, reduce emissions and local air pollution.

Inflation Reduction Act Residential Energy Rebate Programs
The Inflation Reduction Act provides funding for residential energy efficiency, high-efficiency electric appliances, and contractor training.

Lithium Valley Vision
Learn how lithium in the Salton Sea region could play a key role in the state’s 100 percent clean energy future and transform the local economy.

Local Government Building Decarbonization Challenge Program
The Local Government Building Decarbonization Challenge will provide planning grants to local governments to support building decarbonization.

Local Government Challenge
A state and local government partnership to develop innovative solutions that will improve energy performance in communities.

Long Duration Energy Storage Program
The LDES program funds projects that support the deployment of long duration energy storage solutions to support our clean energy goals.

National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Formula Program
Information on California’s implementation of the National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Formula Program.

New Solar Homes Partnership Program - NSHP
The Energy Commission’s New Solar Homes Partnership program supports the installation of solar energy systems on rooftops throughout California.

Offshore Wind Waterfront Facility Improvement Program
The program provides financial incentives to eligible in-state projects for planning and development of waterfront facilities for offshore wind.

Power Source Disclosure Program
Power Source Disclosure program provides a power content label for every utility in California that is distributed to all CA ratepayers.

Renewable Energy for Agriculture Program
California Energy Commission’s Renewable Energy for Agriculture Program offers grants encouraging the installation of renewable energy technologies.

Renewables Portfolio Standard - RPS
The Renewables Portfolio Standard (RPS) is one of California’s key programs for advancing renewable energy.

Replacement Tire Efficiency Program
Replacement Tire Efficiency Program for replacement tires for passenger cars and light-duty trucks.

Residential Solar Permit Reporting – SB 379
Reporting hub for California cities and counties to annually provide data about online, automated solar permitting.

School Bus Replacement Program
Funds the replacement of old diesel school buses in disadvantaged and low-income communities throughout the state.

Solar Equipment Lists Program
Review listings of solar equipment that meet established national safety and performance standards.

Solar for All Program
Funding to support development and installation of solar and storage projects for low-income, disadvantaged, and tribal communities.

Tribal Program
California Energy Commission’s Tribal Program helps the agency conduct effective government-to-government interaction with Native American tribes.

Vehicle-Grid Integration Program
Information on the efforts of the California Energy Commission and partners to advance and prepare for widespread vehicle-grid integration.

Waste Heat and Carbon Emissions Reduction Act
Guidelines for certification and annual compliance of combined heat and power systems pursuant to the Waste Heat and Carbon Emission Reduction Act

Zero Emission School Bus and Infrastructure Program
Funding charging and refueling infrastructure to support replacement of internal combustion school buses with zero-emission school buses.

Zero-Emission Vehicle Related Manufacturing
The California Energy Commission provides funding to support zero-emission vehicle and zero-emission vehicle-related manufacturing in California.